University of Illinois System

About ITPC

The Information Technology Priorities Committee (ITPC) process provides a common approach to solicit, review, prioritize and execute administrative information technology projects involving University Administration (UA) information technology resources.

The ITPC process monitors administrative IT initiatives from project inception through the end of a project’s life cycle.  The process authorizes both labor and financial resources for selected projects. ITPC covers administrative technology projects that: involve resources from a University Administration unit, involve campus based units that plan to offer an administrative system for the entire campus, interface with an enterprise system or, seek funding from the central pool of administrative information technology dollars allocated by the Academic Affairs Planning Council. 

The University of Illinois information technology governance structures focus on these primary areas:

  • design, implement, and manage a system of input and strategic decision-making
  • create and maintain processes for investment and prioritization
  • ensure collaborative design of services and infrastructure
  • provide a mechanism for communication, reporting, and performance measurement

The ITPC is the primary body responsible for evaluation administrative information technology initiatives from project origination through the end of a project's lifecycle.  The charter for ITPC is updated approximately every 3 years.  The current ITPC charter is available.

IT Governance at the University of Illinois has included a number of planning and process review activities.

Process Information

ITPC project proposals go through a regular cycle of review, approval, prioritization & scheduling.  Once a project has started, its performance is monitored and status is reported monthly. 

 For guidance and help ushering a proposal through this process, please contact Christina Molitor at of ITPC Process